Sunday, February 1, 2009

No Middle Ground

Recently, someone emailed me regarding the situation in Gaza. I wrote back some thoughts of my own, which mostly expressed my sadness and frustration over how the situation had deteriorated. She has since stopped corresponding. While there may be other reasons for her not responding, I wonder whether it was because I expressed sympathy for those who have suffered on both sides. I don't know for sure, but given that she didn't respond to my inquiry it is what I suspect.

I am not saying what side she was on, because it doesn't matter really. I have friends who blame Israel and I have friends who blame Hamas. I have my own views on the subject, but frankly the more I learn, the less I feel I know. That doesn't cut it now, though. To express sympathy for the suffering on the other side is a sign of weakness, a sign that one has been co-opted or brainwashed. Peace activists in both countries, if they can stay alive, are feeling this. There is very little hope in the holy land, because both sides feel that they have tried peace and peace has failed.

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