Sunday, January 10, 2010

2009 RIP

The economy was bad and getting worse one year ago so I knew it was going to be a trying year. As it turned out, I still have the same job I had one year ago and seem relatively secure in my employment. But I don't feel it. We've lost roughly half the number of people at my small satellite office. One year ago, we were 60. Now we're 30. We once were 90.

This week we're all moving our offices to be closer together, emptying large sections. We're part of a huge multi-national (I don't actually work with the people at my office) and the huge multi-national hopes to rent out the emptied space, but the building is full of offices ready to be filled, all with company logos of companies that no longer are. So there isn't much hope, now anyway, that the space will be subleased.

I work long hours these days, exchanging emails with people I will never meet. Some of these people are on facebook. So I can attach photos of a person to the person with whom I interact, but then they disappear and are replaced and I look at their facebook page and wonder how this person I never really knew is doing.